What Scholars Say:

“There was never a dull moment over the span of my internship, and I was continuously learning, laughing, and enjoying my time as a U.S Forest Service intern.…This was the best summer of my life.” - Jaren Baluyot

“As a result of my internship, I am almost certain that I want to pursue a graduate degree and career in marine conservation, specifically related to fish ecology/fisheries.” - Sasha Pereira

“Working at the FWS research lab provided a different insight on both veterinarian medicine and conservation. Previously I wasn’t sure how the two fields could merge into one job….This internship made me realize that the two shouldn’t be considered exclusive in the field of conservation.” - Tasha Scarlet

“The environmental field can feel defeating and depressing at times, but I never felt those feelings as I was there (the Center for Biological Diversity). All I felt was dedication, passion, and determination to make this world a better place and to protect as many species as possible.” - Sterling Stokes